Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #23

Wow, my favorite items on this journey? I think that would be the image makers, Rollyo, and learning about how to create wikis, and podcasts. My lifelong learning goals were changed because I now feel the pressures of keeping up with the fast paced technological advances of today and the future. I had no idea there were so many things out there available to students to work (and play) with to help them learn and succeed in the classroom. When I realized all of the fun activities I could have been doing, it makes me sad for the children who missed those opportunities. I now feel the need to pass this and any new information on to future teachers so that other students do not miss out on this and any other new information. I think almost the whole staff development was new to me. The only thing I had worked with before was, blogs, YouTube/TeacherTube (although not how to embed them) and a few of the image makers. You all have taught me an arsenal of new things to take back and share this next school year. I think the program was terrific and would like to know if you all grant permission for us to use this site/idea for our own faculty. The only problem I encountered was trying to get everything done before the end of the semester with the other items we had to complete for the class. If another class such as this was offered I would DEFINITELY want to participate! In six words, I would describe my experience as, “An amazing 21st century educational experience!” Thank you!!

Make your own free clipart like this @ with free web based tools (hundreds of image generators that run through a web broswer, no software to buy or install).
Made with free image tools @

Thing #22

I really liked TeacherLingo ( the best out of the three Nings we looked at. I loved all of the different support it provided for teachers. For example, you could share ideas, ask questions, and get information from other teachers. You could also locate lesson plans and teacher blogs (including some of ours) very easily by clicking on file-like tabs at the top of the website page. Some of the other Nings might have provided these things, but I found them more time consuming and cumbersome to explore. This was very user-friendly. I think it would be a good way to keep abreast to teachers’ needs and to meet them (be a mind reader). Also, being an educator, all of the wonderful resources it provides are just as useful for us.

Thing #21

This was the hardest one yet for me! I had to call in reinforcements to be able to complete it. I had difficulty using Switchpod and had to ask another student how to get my information in it. Hopefully all will work correctly! (I apologize for the mispronunciation of the author's name. Gotta love teenagers!)

Book talk Holes by Louis Sachar

Book talk Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

I think now that I have it it will be fun to do with kids, but I think a Creative Commons video, or some other how to video (in extremely easy to follow detail) needs to be made. I also don't like that you have to copy the link and then paste them elswhere to be able to view them. It seems like unnecessary steps.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #20

On YouTube, I picked Instructional Technology: Looking Backward, Thinking Forward to watch. It shows how technology has evolved through the years. I think it might be eye opening to some to see how much some classrooms still look like the classrooms of the past.

On TeacherTube, I watched the video Learning, Sharing & Connecting Online with 6 & 7 year olds!

I know often times teachers of first and second graders don't want to go to a flexible schedule because they don't feel that their students are able to do what the "older" students are capable of doing. I'd like to find a lot of videos like these so that teachers can see exactly what the younger children are capable of given the chance.
The only thing I found really frustrating was the buffering portion of the videos. It stopped the video every few seconds to continue buffering.

Thing #19

I think the award list is a terrific idea! It gives teachers and librarians a place to go to find some of the best Web2.0 sites. For those who don't know where to start, this is an easy to read chart with a huge amount of well organized resources. One of the areas I looked at was Homecoming Events and Things to Do ( ). This could be helpful to a school to post important events that will be occurring at their school, perhaps a carnival, book fair, etc. Not only would word be spread through their school website (assuming they have one!), now it'd be in another area, too. I found out a lot of neat things are happening in Houston that I didn't know about. It gives you places and times! I wish I had known about this at the beginning of the summer with my kids...we would have been able to do a lot of neat things.
Also, as a personal site, if you love to listen to music, but get tired of flipping through radio stations check out Pandora ( . It's really neat!

Thing #18

As I said in Thing #7, one of the reasons I like Google Docs was because several teachers could be involved working on one document. This would be useful for teachers trying to work out a rubric together, translating letters, etc.
I thought was a great alternative to the Microsoft Office program which cost consumers money. For those unable or unwilling to purchase the MS Office program, they are receiving a package that is very similar in nature. could be used in all of the variety of ways teachers use Microsoft Office now. Powerpoints, word documents, and spreadsheets could all be created and then saved in several different formats (Microsoft Word '98, 2000, etc.). A great, free, alternative to Microsoft Office.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing #17

Wow! I think Rollyo just became one of my favorite sites. I love the fact that you only have to type the Rollyo site and any of the sites that you previously liked and marked are there! I've already gone back through Things 1-16 and saved some of the sites there. It has made finding the Comic Strip Generator, etc. even easier. The other one I started was for book vendors. It is so quick and easy! I think the teachers are going to love this tool in the classroom for research. I know I will (and would have as a teacher)! Although helpful to all students because of the lower amount of sites returned (based on information the teacher enters), it would be especially beneficial to very young students and/or special education students. Super site (and fantastic how-to video!).

Thing #16

First the Sandbox post posed a challenge to me because I have gotten so caught up in creating passwords and usernames I automatically started to do the same. Then I realized we were to use the provided one.....sorry!! However, I did go in and delete where I had asked for permission to join, so hopefully no harm, no foul. (Atleast I knew how to fix the error on the Wiki page, right?) The posting part is easy and, as I found out in my mid-term project the setup of one is effortless. I will definitely give Wikis a try this year. I will start with an adult book club first though to work out some of the kinks (get the teachers hooked, too). If the teachers are having fun doing it, I'm hoping they will see how fun it would be for their kids and it will help me give them a nudge in the right direction. - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Thing #15

Librarians need to adapt and change as users' needs change. With technology changing as quickly as it is, it is up to librarians to stay on top of new information and continue teaching students in ways that will impact them now and in the future, not continue to teach them using outdated methods. Tom Storey address this in him article Where will the next generation Web take libraries? ( Students are connecting to the internet and to computers in ways we never dreamed of a few years ago. To keep learners engaged we must use the tools and sites that interest them: iPods, MP3s, Flickr, YouTube, etc. Teachers and librarians have the ability to reach their students in a powerful way if only they realize that this generation's of learners is different than that of their own. And that part of their responsibilities as educators is to keep up with the new trends in technology so that their lessons can be as meaningful, as engaging, and useful as possible.

Thing #14

I found Technorati to be the most confusing tool we've used so far. I think it is going to take me quite some time to be able to navigate it effectively. I'm sure it is quite useful in filtering out the numerous blogs that you do not want to look at, since it filters based on your searches. One of the most important things a blog publisher needs to do is to create meaningful tags so that their information can be easily accessed by readers.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing #13

I love! I hate it when I have something bookmarked at home, get to work and try to go there, ony to realize it is on my computer at home. With, that problem is solved. With the buttons quickly and simply loaded onto your computer, bookmarking sites is just a click away. After that, I don't have to try to remember what computer I put it on....the laptop? school? desktop computer? I can go to any computer, anywhere and pull up my favorites. This will be especially useful when collaborating with teachers and during faculty trainings. All of these great sites can be bookmarked on and then no matter what teacher's room I am working in (or training in), I can quickly access any of the sites without searching for them.