Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing #2- 7 1/2 habits

The easiest habit for me was beginning with the end in mind (#1). I like to be able to formulate a plan so that I can systematically cross the steps off (either in my mind or that I've written down) as I complete them. As the steps are crossed off, I feel less stress as I feel that I am approaching the "finish line".
The hardest was 7 1/2-- playing. I always feel guilty just taking time out for me. I play with my family, although I still feel guilty at times even for doing that because I know I have a paper due, a project to do, or something at work to finish. (So even that is not as often as I'd like.) But even harder is just me time....reading a book (non-class related), watching t.v., etc. I feel like I am shirking responsibility. Therefore, this was definitely the hardest one for me.


Technochallenged-Michelle said...

I know exactly what you mean about finding time & feeling guilty. My two kids are on their own this summer because I am taking 2 classes & doing the internship. I do think, however, that giving them responsibility will be a good thing in the long run.
I don't know how old your children are but, do you ever think about what kind of message that we as mom/students are sending our kids? Just curious about what you and any other moms think.

VWB said...

from a mom of two grown kids (in their 20s!) you are showing your kids that learning is a life-long habit and also that a little sacrifice on everyone's part (helping out while mom studies)will be a benefit to the whole family. And kids can't learn responsibilty (of the proper level for their age) too soon!

You are sending several good messages with your busy least I think so!